Are sheep killed for shearling?

Are sheep killed for shearling?

When it comes to the production of shearling, there is often confusion and concern about the welfare of sheep. Many people wonder if sheep are killed for their shearling, or if there are ethical practices in place to ensure their well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the process of obtaining shearling and shed light on the truth behind this common misconception.

What is Shearling?

Shearling is a type of fur or skin that comes from a sheep or lamb that has been shorn only once. It is known for its softness, warmth, and durability, making it a popular material for clothing, footwear, and accessories.

How is Shearling Obtained?

Shearling is obtained through a process called shearing, which involves removing the wool from the sheep's body using electric clippers. Shearing is typically done once a year, usually in the spring, when the sheep's wool has grown long enough to be harvested.

Are Sheep Killed for Shearling?

No, sheep are not killed for shearling. Shearing is a necessary and routine part of sheep husbandry, and it is done for the welfare of the sheep. If sheep are not shorn regularly, their wool can become too long and heavy, leading to discomfort, overheating, and even health issues. Shearing helps to keep the sheep cool, clean, and healthy.

What Happens to the Sheep After Shearing?

After shearing, the sheep are returned to the flock and continue to live their lives as usual. They will grow a new coat of wool, and the shearing process will be repeated in the following year.

Are There Regulations in Place to Protect Sheep?

Yes, there are regulations and guidelines in place to ensure the welfare of sheep during shearing. Professional shearers are trained to handle sheep with care and minimize any stress or discomfort. Additionally, there are industry standards and certifications that promote ethical practices and animal welfare.


Sheep are not killed for shearling. Shearing is a necessary and beneficial process for the welfare of sheep, as it helps to keep them cool, clean, and healthy. With regulations and industry standards in place, the production of shearling can be done ethically and responsibly. So, the next time you come across a shearling product, you can rest assured knowing that no sheep were harmed in its production.

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Wonderful I thought so but found this informative. Thank you.

Carole Breiterman

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